1) How I did a free trip to the Mother City.
Ok not totally for free, I did fork out two bucks (R2.00 / U$ 0,13 cents) for the return airline ticket.
Access the trip HERE.
2) SAA JourneyBlitz finds.
Add ‘journeyblitz’ in the search bar on www.traveloyalty.com if you unfamiliar with this being the 5th edition of this promo.
The promo ends midnight SA time on 5th March.
TIP: Search one way at a time using the +- 3days out JNB to avoid errors then scale it to the desired shown dates and / or add the domestic cites in SA to the itinerary. This does take some time playing around with.
Just this week it was announced that Hong Kong with SAA and Cathay Pacific would drop fuel surcharges ( I hope this stays) I immediately logged into the promo of JourneyBlitz and found AMAZING success.
Johannesburg to Hong Kong for R920 return in Business class with 66,600 miles.
I also got Sao Paulo to Johannesburg for BRL 89 – that’s R360 in Business Class with 44,000 miles.
Subscribers its again time to score the elite TL way without the price tags !
The most wise way to go on holiday is to have your spend as an investment with plenty to show and use for after check-out. All other travelers get nothing on check-out. Travel wisely. Travel the TraveLoyalty way.
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